Grand Opening of the New NOTOS® Multi Screw Pump Plant at NETZSCH in Brazil
Next step on the way to becoming the global specialist in handling complex media! End of March, NETZSCH Pumps & Systems officially opened the new NOTOS® multi screw pump plant in Pomerode, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
The new factory in the Testo Central district marks an important milestone in NETZSCH's seventy-year history. The construction work began in August 2021 and was completed in less than three years despite countless challenges.

Customised Consulting
Strategic importance of the NOTOS® multi screw pump plant
The new plant site comprises a 5,700 square meter industrial building, a 1.800 square meter administration building and plenty of parking spaces. The new NOTOS® plant plays a central role in NETZSCH's strategic orientation. It will be used to produce and supply the global market with high-qualitymulti screw pumps specially designed for demanding applications. In addition, the new factory will expand production capacity for other product lines at the existing site in Pomerode. In addition to multi screw pumps, the portfolio also includes progressing cavity pumps, rotary lobe pumps, peristaltic pumps and grinding systems. This means we can always find a customised and sophisticated pump solution for your application. “Thanks to the new NOTOS® multi screw pump plant, we will significantly increase our production capacity in Brazil. Our customers will benefit from even more powerful pumps and shorter delivery times in the future”, says Osvaldo Ferreira, managing director of NETZSCH do Brasil.

New plant enables higher capacity and more powerful pumps
The current production of multi screw pumps is designed for pump sizes of up to 1000 kilowatts. In the future, up to 2000 kilowatts will be possible. The demand for multi screw pumps with powerful performance is exceptionally high in the oil and gas sector. “The NOTOS® plant will be the global flagship for the multi screw pump production in the entire NETZSCH Group and will enable us to tap into new markets”, says Ferreira proudly. However, the new plant in Brazil is not only setting new standards in terms of production capacity. New paths have also been taken regarding sustainability and efficiency, true to the motto green across the company colours. In addition, the opening of the NOTOS® plant is not only a benefit for NETZSCH but also for the entire Pomerode site and its surroundings. The plant's construction has created almost 90 new jobs in the region.

This significant step in NETZSCH's long history emphasizes the company's ongoing expansion and goal of becoming the world's preferred supplier of innovative pump solutions for pumping demanding media. We promise you Proven Excellence – outstanding performance in all areas.