adhesive primer
How to Triple Your Adhesive Primer Pumping Lifetime
Reducing your adhesive primer pumping repair costs significantly
Dispersion-containing, high abrasiveness and high solids content – properties that cause huge problems for most pumps and sometimes reduce the service life to a few weeks. Furthermore, the high downtimes of the system and the escalating repair costs have to be taken into account as well.
These issues were also faced by the building materials manufacturer Knauf from Iphofen in Bavaria until they met NETZSCH Pumps & Systems, the global specialist in handling complex media. We will show you how to increase the service life when pumping adhesive primer or other abrasive media and significantly reduce your repair costs at the same time.

Individual Consulting

Challenges in pumping adhesive primer
What is supposed to ensure that the plaster adheres to smooth walls on the building site causes significant problems during filling. The dispersion-based adhesive primer contains around 60 percent mineral solids, which have an abrasive effect similar to sandpaper in the rotary lobe pump that feeds the filling station. This leads to short service lives and high repair costs when pumping adhesive primer. In addition, there is a risk that the particles or fibres contained will clog the pump lines. The result is a reduction in flow or even a pump failure. Another problem when pumping primer is that the material is not compatible with all pump components. Adhesive primers can attack or damage certain plastics and rubber seals due to their dispersion content. This reduces the pumping capacity on the one hand and increases the risk of the medium escaping into the environment on the other.
Are you tired of high repair costs when pumping adhesive primer?
The building materials manufacturer Knauf also needed help with all the problems listed when pumping adhesive primer. The high annual production output of the mixing plant led to a considerable maintenance effort for the adhesive primer pumps. At peak times, the pumps had to be repaired every three to four weeks. This resulted in enormously high repair costs for the company. In addition, there were frequent unscheduled downtimes at the plant. The unsatisfactory situation led the building materials manufacturer to look for alternatives. NETZSCH found the solution to the problem. Together with the experts of the global specialist for conveying complex media, the optimal pump for conveying the adhesive primer was selected.
Pumping adhesive primer: With this pump, you triple the service life
After a detailed evaluation of the requirements, the experts from NETZSCH recommended a TORNADO® T.Proc® rotary lobe pump for conveying the adhesive primer. With the TORNADO® T.Proc®, the standard material concept of conventional rotary lobe pumps has been reversed. Instead of the usual elastomer lobes, two lobes made of hardened steel are used, which rotate in a geometrically adapted elastomer insert. This saves you energy in the long term, reduces wear, and, at the same time, increases the service life of your pump. In addition, the innovative rotary lobe pump design offers maximum operational safety thanks to the spatial separation of the pump and gear chamber. The service is simplified and shortened thanks to the FSIP® (Full Service in Place) design. Maintenance and servicing can thus be done quickly without removing the pump from the system.
After just a few weeks, the building materials manufacturer benefited from the new primer pump. At the time of the first inspection, the unit delivered twice the volume of the previously used conventional rotary lobe pump. At that time, however, the maximum speed was only 60 percent. "So we still have the potential for improvement", says Roger Willis, business field manager chemical, pulp & paper. "Measured against the previous running time, the rotary lobe pump can achieve three times the service life." After more than six months in operation, this assumption was confirmed. After pumping three to four times, the service life was more than three times longer.
The building materials manufacturer Knauf is delighted with its new primer pump. Let our specialists advise you and increase your service life when pumping abrasive media in the future.
TORNADO® T.Proc® rotary lobe pump
- Medium: Adhesive primer
- Delivery rate: 1,500 to 5,000 kg/h