Johann Vetter, Max Heimerl, Jens Heidkötter, Robert Pötzsch, NETZSCH, Pumps, Systems


Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact: District Administrator Presents Certificate to NETZSCH

Best practice in the field of environmental and energy management! Max Heimerl, the district administrator of Mühldorf am Inn, awarded NETZSCH Pumps & Systems the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact certificate and praised the company's outstanding environmental policy.

NETZSCH has been a member of the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact since 2006 and participates with qualified voluntary environmental services for a sustainable future. The global specialist in handling complex media has now committed to participating for three more years until the beginning of 2027.

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NETZSCH Campus: Pioneering environmental protection measures

NETZSCH has been actively involved in environmental protection and sustainability for many decades. The subject of social responsibility goes far beyond the compliance with regulations. Most recently, more pioneering ecological protection measures were established at the NETZSCH Campus in Waldkraiburg to minimise resource consumption. These include a biomass heating module, efficient groundwater heat pumps and the installation of photovoltaic systems. “Our goal is to be completely independent of fossil fuels by 2025”, says Johann Vetter, director of integrated quality management system. According to Vetter, the consolidation of the plant and the associated conversion of the heating system meant that around 85 percent less fossil fuels were consumed in 2023 than in the same period of the previous year. A district heating connection at the campus in Geretsrieder Straße is also being planned.

Johann Vetter, Max Heimerl, Jens Heidkötter, Robert Pötzsch, NETZSCH, Pumps, Systems
After the certificate was handed over, Robert Pötzsch, mayor of Waldkraiburg, and Max Heimerl, district administrator of the district of Mühldorf am Inn, were given a tour of the company.

Heimerl: “Best practice showcase in environmental management”

Heimerl was also impressed by the environmental protection measures when presenting the certificate: “NETZSCH is a best practice showcase in environmental and energy management. With its active environmental management, environmental protection and energy report, NETZSCH does not limit itself to creating a healthy working environment for all employees but is also aware that the consumption of resources and energy must not be at the expense of future generations. The certificate honours qualified voluntary environmental achievements within the company, which are implemented at NETZSCH in an exemplary manner and on a large scale.” The environmental management system by DIN EN ISO 14001, which was introduced in 2015, and the company's membership of ÖKOPROFIT and the ÖKOPROFIT Club since 2006 were among the decisive factors in the award of the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact certificate.

Johann Vetter, Max Heimerl, Jens Heidkötter, Robert Pötzsch, NETZSCH, Pumps, Systems
Johann Vetter, director of the integrated quality management system, explained to those present how NETZSCH products also contribute to a better world.

With the current Environmental and Climate Pact, the Bavarian state government and its partners, the Bavarian Business Association (vbw), the Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BIHK) and the Bavarian Association of Skilled Crafts (BHT), are working to develop solutions for dealing with outstanding environmental and sustainability issues to promote environmental and climate protection in companies and businesses. The overarching aim is to sustainably improve the ecological, economic and social conditions of current and future generations in Bavaria.

As the best practice company in environmental protection and sustainability, NETZSCH stands for innovative pump solutions for handling complex media and forward-looking and future-orientated action.

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