Opening Café & Restaurant Felix, NETZSCH Campus, NETZSCH, Pumps, Systems


Opening of Café & Restaurant Felix at the NETZSCH Campus in Waldkraiburg

High-quality, regional and seasonal: This is precisely what the new company restaurant of NETZSCH Pumps & Systems stands for. On Wednesday, October 4th 2023, the official opening of Café & Restaurant Felix took place on the NETZSCH Campus in Waldkraiburg. It is called "Felix" in reference to the long-time CEO Felix Kleinert.

Another milestone was reached at the NETZSCH Campus in Waldkraiburg. After the namesake, cut the opening ribbon of the new company restaurant and addressed a few warm words to the employees, delicious food and cool drinks were served.

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“Once again, thank you very much for the voucher. I'm pleased about it”s Kleinert, who received a lifetime voucher for the FELIX on his retirement. “I am honestly excited how great the new staff restaurant has become. All employees can look forward to this. Every single one of them has deserved it.”

Rita Buchner: "Our company restaurant is much more than a classic canteen"

The opening day starter was beef broth with pancake strips and chives. For the main course, there was a choice between a tranche of beef tenderloin, roasted pink with pepper cream sauce and oven-fresh potato gratin and pan-fried vegetables or fresh pappardelle grande with ratatouille, arugula, pine nuts and shaved grana padano or a salad bowl. Vanilla curd with melon was served for dessert. And everyone attending was thoroughly satisfied. "In apetito catering, we have found an experienced family business to run our company restaurant that has successfully combined culinary art and craftsmanship for several generations", says Rita Buchner, director of human resources. "Our company restaurant should be much more than a classic canteen in the future. It is supposed to be a place of exchange and networking, strengthening the team spirit."

Presentation of the Voucher, Felix Kleinert, NETZSCH, Pumps, Systems
Felix Kleinert was not only thrilled about his voucher for Café & Restaurant FELIX on the NETZSCH Campus in Waldkraiburg.

Café & Restaurant FELIX: Breakfast, lunch and snacks

Eating healthy at work is not always easy. However, to avoid being plagued by low performance and fatigue attacks, eating balanced meals and drinking enough fluids is essential. Therefore, in the future, breakfast and snacks will be offered in addition to lunch. On request, all meals will also be available in environmentally friendly packages to take away. 

In addition to the company restaurant, appetito catering will also take over the catering in meeting rooms and for external guests. Thus, the next time you visit NETZSCH in Waldkraiburg, you can look forward to a high-quality, regional and seasonal meal at FELIX.

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